Cathy Weaver Elementary School Workshop artwork
Artist Connection is an education outreach program where by community artists teach about their practice through a travelling exhibition, visiting local schools and teaching workshops to grade school children. The exhibition focuses on quality works of art, representative of the Hamilton Arts Community, travelling through the HWDSB’s and the HWCDSB’s Elementary and Secondary schools.
Since 2012, I have participated in numerous Artist Connection workshops, visiting schools and teaching students about printmaking processes. From kindergarten to grade 8, printmaking, especially silkscreen printing has fascinated young artists and given them the opportunity to try something new in the classroom.
Artist Connection Workshops taught at the following HWDSB and HWCDSB Schools
Richard Beasley Elementary School
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Elementary School
Cathedral High School
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Elementary School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School
St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic Elementary School
Westview Elementary School
Annunciation of our Lord Catholic Elementary School
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Elementary School
Mountview Elementary School
Mount Hope Elementary School
St. Josephs Catholic Elementary School
Cathy Weaver Elementary School
Gordon Price Elementary School
St. David’s Elementary School
Cootes Paradise Elementary School
Janet Lee Elementary School
Shannen Koostachin Elementary School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School
Lincoln Alexander Elementary School
Our Lady of Peace Elementary School
St. Eugene Elementary School
St. Michael’s St. Elementary School