Family Art Days are all about making art and having fun with your family.
Family Day workshops offered through the Dundas Valley School of Art have allowed families to explore non-toxic printmaking through a variety of print mediums, engaging families in collaborative print projects that promote arts education through subject matter and learning.
Funding for this project is provided by Dougher Community Fund at Hamilton Community Foundation.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Community Art Experience in partnership with the Dundas Valley School of Art and the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Program provides hands-on art workshops to children and youth who are clients of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I have facilitated printmaking workshops for Big Brothers, their littles, Big Sisters and their littles through exploration of silkscreen and mixed media art making.
Nurture the Ability
Nurture the Ability art workshops for the Down Syndrome Association of Hamilton offers participants to take part in hands-on visual art workshops allowing the experience of different art mediums along with their families. Through the Dundas Valley School of Art, I have facilitated workshops in printmaking. Using the silkscreen process and watercolour, children and teens explore art processes related to themes of nature and colour.
Art Adventures City Housing Hamilton

The ArtAdventures program offered City Housing Hamilton children creative arts and recreation activities based in their surrounding natural environment with an emphasis on sustainable and affordable arts programming. I assisted in the development of ArtAdventures as Program Coordinator. Throughout the summer community children and youth engaged in weekly art activities and projects onsite, open to anyone between the approximate ages of 5 and 15 years old.
ArtAdventures also provided four youth from the surrounding Dundas/Hamilton area with the opportunity to train and deliver arts programming while learning leadership skills and achieving involvement in their greater community. In addition youth leaders learned to mentor, create, develop and implement the ArtAdventures programming with the support of program coordinator and visiting artists.
ArtAdventures children and youth who participated became more engaged and involved in their community and in turn felt less stigmatized by their financial constraints. The structured weekly arts program provided children and youth with a safe and fun learning environment to explore and absorb information related to cognitive and creative based activities.